Shoftim (Judges)
TorahD’varim (Deuteronomy) 16:18-21:9HaftarahYesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 9:1-6; 49:1-6; 51:12-52:12KetuvimTehillah (Psalm) 17Brit HaKhadashahMa’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 7:35-60Matti (Matthew) 26:47-27:10
TorahD’varim (Deuteronomy) 16:18-21:9HaftarahYesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 9:1-6; 49:1-6; 51:12-52:12KetuvimTehillah (Psalm) 17Brit HaKhadashahMa’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 7:35-60Matti (Matthew) 26:47-27:10
The Purpose of Customs | Synagogue Attendance | Prayer | Facing Jerusalem | Parashot | Tallit | Kippah (Yarmulke) | Torah Service | Siddur | Sabbath Candles | Havdalah | Bread and Wine | Weddings | Brit Milah | Bar/Bat Mitzvah | Mezuzah | Immersions… Read More »A Study of Customs
A Note On Transliteration Our transliteration is an effort to enable those who do not as yet read Hebrew, or who are still learning to read Hebrew, to participate in the Hebrew portions of our liturgical worship. There is not as yet one body of… Read More »Transliteration
TorahD’varim (Deuteronomy) 11:26-16:17 HaftarahYesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 44:11-45:5; 54:11-55:5 KetuvimTehillah (Psalm) 97 Brit HaKhadashahYokhanan Alef (1st John) 2:18-25; 4:1-6Yokhanan (John) 16:1-17:26
What are the Fall Feasts? Three Mo’edim are known as the Fall Feasts. In these, we see and anticipate the Messiah taking His Bride, the Father judging the nations and testing Ya’akov/Yisra’el, and the final, visible return of Messiah Yeshua. Leviticus 23 lists these. They… Read More »Fall Feasts & Other Mo’edim
What are the Spring Feasts? These are four of the Mo’edim talked about in Leviticus 23 – Pesakh, Matzot, First Omer, & Shavuot The Spring Feasts start fourteen days after the crescent moon is first spotted with the barley ripe in the field. These feasts… Read More »Spring Feasts
זָכוֹר אֶת-יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת, לְקַדְּשׁוֹ “Remember the Sabbath Day (7th day), to sanctify it.” – Exodus 20:8 (Torah, Sh’mot 20:7) Ever wonder why He said to “remember” it? Did He anticipate it would be “forgotten?” It seems He did. He also said to protect it. From what?… Read More »A Bit About Sabbath Keeping
Two Houses of Israel | Sacred Name/Yeshua’s Name | No Yom Kippur Fast | Trinity | Tongues | Miracle Healings | Calvinism | Passover or Chagigah “But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” One example of a “doctrine… Read More »Common, Manmade Doctrines With Which We Disagree
TorahBaMidbar (Numbers) 4:21-7:89 HaftarahShoftim (Judges) 13:2-25 KetuvimTehillah (Psalm) 67 Brit HaKhadashahMa’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 21:17-32Yokhanan (John) 11:1-54
TorahBaMidbar (Numbers) 8:1-12:16 HaftarahZekhar-Yah (Zechariah) 2:14-4:7 KetuvimTehillah (Psalm) 68 Brit HaKhadashahIvrim (Hebrews) 4:1-16Luka (Luke) 17:11-18:14