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A selection of long-form articles and writings from Elders and members, past or present.


A Note On Transliteration Our transliteration is an effort to enable those who do not as yet read Hebrew, or who are still learning to read Hebrew, to participate in the Hebrew portions of our liturgical worship.  There is not as yet one body of… Read More »Transliteration

Spring Feasts

What are the Spring Feasts? These are four of the Mo’edim talked about in Leviticus 23 – Pesakh, Matzot, First Omer, & Shavuot The Spring Feasts start fourteen days after the crescent moon is first spotted with the barley ripe in the field. These feasts… Read More »Spring Feasts


“O Lord, great and awesome God, Who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments.… Read More »History

Reckoning Pesakh

 “For no prophecy of scripture is subject to private interpretation.” 2 Peter 1:20 We love our Jewish People. We have looked to Yehudah for guidance regarding how to keep Torah, how to fulfill the mitzvot of the Torah [commands] according to the practice in the… Read More »Reckoning Pesakh

0 + 3 = 1.5?

The Death and Resurrection Timeline of Yeshua Ever wonder why many “say” that Yeshua rose after the third day and practice commemorating it in only a day and a half? Does that make sense? Actually, it makes Yeshua a liar, especially in the mind of… Read More »0 + 3 = 1.5?