Shabbat Classes
Bat-Tzion offers various classes on Shabbat. These are intended for our members and for those seeking to congregate with us regularly. They are at no cost except for the cost of materials. They are not for the public or those not interested in attending Shabbat services with us. These classes take place concurrently in various rooms during two 45-minute segments. The schedule is listed on our home page. Current classes are Beginner Hebrew, Intermediate Hebrew, Messianic 101, Men’s Torah Discussion, and Ladies Torah Discussion. We have also offered Children’s Classes for various ages, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class for older children through adults, and an Advanced Hebrew class.
Messianic 101
For those new to our congregation, Messianic 101 is the first step. This is an 8-week class that introduces the basics of Messianic Faith and what our congregational faith and practices are. Keith Mathenia guides this class through many important questions via lively discussion. This is based largely on his book “These Things You Should Have Done”, which is available on our Publications page.
We believe it is important to learn Hebrew both for biblical study and for our prayer life. In Beginner Hebrew, students start on their journey learning the Aleph-Bet (Hebrew alphabet)—how to recognize the letters and their sounds, read, write, and speak Hebrew words, and know the basic grammar. Currently, the class is taught by our elder Lance Braswell, who augments the workbook with several side studies. In Intermediate Hebrew, we explore the many nuances of the language through immersion-style learning of various psalms and prayers. Our music director, Tim Johnson leads this class in a relaxed but challenging mode.
Men’s & Ladies Discussion Groups
For those who have completed Messianic 101, we have Men’s and Ladies Torah Discussions during that time slot. Studies vary from Parasha discussions, focus on certain books of the Bible, or men/women-specific topics. They often include readings to do at home in preparation. These are great times of learning together, fellowship, and ministering to one another with scripture. Tim and Teresa Johnson currently lead these separate discussion groups.
Children’s Classes
We love our children and desire to instill in them a knowledge of the Torah. To meet them at their level of understanding, we have offered engaging classes for children of all ages. They are fun and active while teaching important truths. Ileana Mathenia, our Children’s Class director and main teacher, has formulated the curriculum from various Messianic sources. Since we are an all-volunteer congregation and needs change as children grow and new visitors come in, our children’s class schedule has been flexible and subject to change. These are held during the 11:30 time slot while other adult classes occur. Since we believe it is essential for children to be in service with their parents and share in being part of our community, we do not offer classes or any childcare during service time.

Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
Psalm 111:2-3