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The Parashot (Parashah is singular) are a schedule of readings in the Torah over the year. Since the schedule is the same each year, the portion being read at any given time of year will always be the same year to year. There is a “portion”, [which is what Parashah means] of Torah read on each Shabbat, a portion of the Prophets, called “haftarah,” which means ‘parting,’ and for Messianic Jews, a portion of the Brit Khadashah [The Renewed Covenant, its scriptures] is also read. Each portion has its own name, such as “Parashat B’reshit” [portion of Genesis] the first portion, getting its name from the first word in the portion, “In the beginning.”

In Messiah’s time, it becomes clear the custom of Torah and Haftarah reading was in place, though we cannot know precisely what their Haftarah divisions were to the verse. But, we see the practice as He approached the Bimah to read and the Yesha-Yahu [Isaiah] scroll was handed to him, suggesting that it was time to read from the Isaiah scroll! We believe it was, as Yeshua read a prophecy about Himself when He read! [ Luke 4:16 ]. This was, in all likelihood, the anniversary of His birth, as the custom is that one reads from the Bimah on the anniversary of his birth. Ezra and Nehemiah and the other prophets of their day established a reading schedule, which ensures that if a person attends the Synagogue regularly, he will hear the whole Torah over a period of time, repeatedly for the rest of his life. Ya’akov [James] also alludes to this in Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts) 15:21, “For Moshe, since early generations, has those who declare him in the Beit K’nessets (Synagogues) in every city who read him on every Yom Shabbat.” This is what the goal was: to make sure everyone heard/read the Torah completely!

At Bat-Tzion, we do not read the full portion in the Synagogue, but task our members to do so during the week, as we all now have Torah scrolls in our homes! [Bibles]. In the time of Messiah, they did not, so this was the only way to hear/study the Word.

Torah parashah blessing before reading:

Blessed are You, O יהוה our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who has chosen us from all peoples, and has given us Your Torah. Blessed are You O יהוה, giver of the Torah.

After the readings:

This is the Torah which Moshe placed before the children of Yisra’el. It is in accord with the command of יהוה by the hand of Moshe. A tree of life it is for those who take hold of it, and blessed are the ones who support it. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace; long life is in its right hand, in its left are riches and honor. יהוה was pleased, for the sake of His Righteousness, to render the Torah GREAT and GLORIOUS.


This page is incomplete, and we are in the process of revising it. Therefore, not all the parashot are present here as yet. For complete references to the Parashot from our former website, click here.

The Parashot (Parashah is singular) are a schedule of readings in the Torah for each week of the year.

(Instruction Portions)
Nevi’im (Prophets)
(Parting Portions)
(Writings Portions)
(Renewed Covenant)
(01) B’reshit (In The Beginning)
B’reshit (Genesis) 1:1-6:8
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 42:5-43:10Tehillah (Psalm) 139Yokhanan (John) 1:1-18
(02) No’akh (Noah)
B’reshit 6:9-11:32
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 54:1-55:5Tehillah (Psalm) 29Matti (Matthew) 24:36-44
Luka (Luke) 1:5-80
(03) Lekh L’kha (For Yourself, Go)
B’reshit 12:1-17:27
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 40:27-41:16Tehillah (Psalm) 110Romim (Romans) 3:19-5:6
Matti (Matthew) 1:1-17
(04) Va’Yera (And יהוה Appeared)
B’reshit 18:1-22:24
Melakhim Bet (2nd Kings) 4:1-37Tehillah (Psalm) 11Ya’akov (James) 2:14-24
Luka (Luke) 2:1-38
(05) Khayei Sarah (Life of Sarah)
B’reshit 23:1-25:18
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 1:1-31Tehillah (Psalm) 45Matti (Matthew) 2:1-23; 8:19-22
Luka (Luke) 9:57-62
(06) Toldot (Generations)
B’reshit 25:19-28:9
Malakhi (Malachi) 1:1-2:7Tehillah (Psalm) 36Luka (Luke) 3:1-18
Romim (Romans) 9:6-16
(07) VaYetzei (And He Went Out)
B’reshit 28:10-32:3
Hoshe’ah (Hosea) 12:13-14:10Tehillah (Psalm) 03Matti (Matthew) 3:13-4:11
Yokhanan (John) 1:43-51
(08) VaYishlakh (And He Sent)
B’reshit 32:4-36:43
Ovad-Yah (Obadiah) 1:1-21Tehillah (Psalm) 140Korinti’im Alef (1st Corinthians) 5:1-13
Yokhanan (John) 1:19-2:12
(09) VaYeshev (And He Dwelt)
B’reshit 37:1-40:23
Amos (Amos) 2:6-3:8Tehillah (Psalm) 112Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 7:9-16
Yokhanan (John) 2:13-4:42
(10) MiKetz (At The End)
B’reshit 41:1-44:17
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 3:15-4:1Tehillah (Psalm) 40Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 7:37-50
Luka (Luke) 4:16-31
(11) VaYigash (Then He Came Near)
B’reshit 44:18-47:27
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 37:15-28Tehillah (Psalm) 48Yokhanan (John) 4:16-31
Yokhanan (John) 10:11-19
(12) VaYekhi (And He Lived)
B’reshit 47:28-50:26
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 2:1-12Tehillah (Psalm) 41Luka (Luke) 4:31-5:11
Kefa Alef (1st Peter) 1:17-2:17
Ivrim (Hebrews) 11:21-22
(13) Shemot (The Names)
Shemot (Exodus) 1:1-6:1
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 27:6-29:23Tehillah (Psalm) 99Luka (Luke) 5:12-39
Yokhanan (John) 17:1-26
(14) Va’Eirah (And I Appeared)
Shemot 6:2-9:35
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 28:25-29:21Tehillah (Psalm) 46Romim (Romans) 9:14-17
Korinti’im Bet (2nd Corinthians) 6:14-7:1
Matti (Matthew) 12:1-14
(15) Bo (Come)
Shemot 10:1-13:16
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 46:13-28Tehillah (Psalm) 77Hitgalut (Revelation) 19:1-16
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 3:7-19
(16) B’Shalakh (When He Let Go)
Shemot 13:17-17:16
Shoftim (Judges) 4:4-5:31Tehillah (Psalm) 66Hitgalut (Revelation) 15:1-8
Matti (Matthew) 5:1-48
(17) Yitro (Yitro)
Shemot 18:1-20:22
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 6:1-7:14
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 9:5-6
Tehillah (Psalm) 19Timoteus Alef (1st Timothy) 3:1-13
Matti (Matthew) 6:1-8:1
(18) Mishpatim (Judgments)
Shemot 21:1-24:18
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 31:30-34
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 34:8-22
Tehillah (Psalm) 72Luka (Luke) 7:1-8:3
Ivrim (Hebrews) 9:15-22
(19) Terumah (An Offering)
Shemot 25:1-27:19
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 5:12-6:13Tehillah (Psalm) 26Matti (Matthew) 13:1-53
Ivrim (Hebrews) 8:1-13
(20) Tetzaveh (You Shall Command)
Shemot 27:20-30:10
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 43:10-27Tehillah (Psalm) 65Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 4:35-5:43
Filipim (Philippians) 4:10-20
(21) Ki Tissa (When You Take)
Shemot 30:11-34:35
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 18:1-39Tehillah (Psalm) 75Matti (Matthew) 9:35-11:1
Korinti’im Bet (2nd Corinthians) 3:1-8
(22) Vayakhel (And He Assembled)
Shemot 35:1-38:20
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 7:40-50Tehillah (Psalm) 61Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 6:14-29
Ivrim (Hebrews) 9:1-14
(23) Pekudei (The Accounts)
Shemot 38:21-40:38
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 7:51-8:21Tehillah (Psalm) 45Yokhanan (John) 6:1-71
Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 1:1-11
(24) VaYikra (And יהוה Called)
VaYikra (Leviticus) 1:1-5:26
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 43:21-44:23Tehillah (Psalm) 50Romim (Romans) 8:1-13
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 7:1-30
(25) Tzav (Command)
VaYikra 6:1-8:36
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 7:21-8:3
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 9:22-23
Tehillah (Psalm)107Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 7:31-8:38
Romim (Romans) 12:1-8
(26) Sh’mini (The Eighth)
VaYikra 9:1-11:47
Shmu’el Bet (2nd Samuel) 6:1-7:17Tehillah (Psalm) 128Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 7:1-23
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 9:1-13
(27) Tazria (Woman Who Is Delivered)
VaYikra 12:1-13:59
Melakhim Bet (2nd Kings) 4:42-5:19Tehillah (Psalm) 106Matti (Matthew) 8:1-4
Luka (Luke) 17:11-19
(28) Metzora (The Leper)
VaYikra 14:1-15:33
Melakhim Bet (2nd Kings) 7:3-20Tehillah (Psalm) 120Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 5:24-34
(29) Akharei Mot (After The Death)
VaYikra 16:1-18:30
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 52:13-53:1-12

The Haftarah was changed by the Rabbinic leaders, as it reveals the coming one, Yeshua HaMashiakh.
Tehillah (Psalm) 26Ivrim (Hebrews) 7:23-10:25
Yokhanan (John) 7:1-53
(30) K’doshim (Set-Apart Ones)
VaYikra 19:1-20:27
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 22:1-19
Amos (Amos) 9:7-15
Tehillah (Psalm) 15Yokhanan (John) 8:1-10:21
Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 15:1-21
(31) Emor (Speak)
VaYikra 21:1-24:23
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 44:15-31Tehillah (Psalm) 42Luka (Luke) 11:1-12:59
Kolosim (Colossians) 2:11-23
(32) Behar (In Har Sinai)
VaYikra 25:1-26:2
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 32:6-27Tehillah (Psalm) 112Luka (Luke) 4:16-21
Galatim (Galatians) 5:1-13
(33) B’khukotai (In My Khukot)
VaYikra 26:3-27:34
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 16:19-17:14Tehillah (Psalm) 105Efisim (Ephesians) 2:11-19
Luka (Luke) 14:1-15:32
(34) BaMidbar (In The Wilderness)
BaMidbar (Numbers) 1:1-4:20
Hoshe’ah (Hosea) 2:1-22Tehillah (Psalm) 122Hitgalut (Revelation) 7:1-17
Luka (Luke) 16:1-17:10
(35) Naso (Take)
BaMidbar 4:21-7:89
Shoftim (Judges) 13:2-25Tehillah (Psalm) 67Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 21:17-32
Yokhanan (John) 11:1-54
(36) B’ha’alotkha (When You Light)
BaMidbar 8:1-12:16
Zekharyah (Zechariah) 2:14-4:7Tehillah (Psalm) 68Ivrim (Hebrews) 4:1-16
Luka (Luke) 17:11-18:14
(37) Sh’lakh L’kha (Send For Yourself)
BaMidbar 13:1-15:41
Yehoshua (Joshua) 2:1-24Tehillah (Psalm) 64Ivrim (Hebrews) 3:6-19
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 10:1-45
(38) Korakh (Korakh)
BaMidbar 16:1-18:32
Shum’el Alef (1st Samuel) 11:14-12:22Tehillah (Psalm) 05Yehudah (Jude) 1-25
Luka (Luke) 18:35-19:28
(39) Khukat (The Statute Of)
BaMidbar 19:1-22:1
Shoftim (Judges) 11:1-33Tehillah (Psalm) 95Yokhanan (John) 3:9-21
Matti (Matthew) 21:1-17
(40) Balak (Balak)
BaMidbar 22:2-25:9
Mikah (Micah) 5:6-6:8Tehillah (Psalm) 79Kefa Bet (2nd Peter) 2:1-22
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 11:12-26
(41) Pin’khas (Pin’khas)
BaMidbar 25:10-29:39
Melakhim Alef (1st Kings) 18:46-19:21Tehillah (Psalm) 50Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 2:1-21
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 11:27-12:37
(42) Matot (The Tribes)
BaMidbar 30:1-32:42
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 1:1-2:3Tehillah (Psalm) 111Matti (Matthew) 5:33-37
Matti (Matthew) 23:1-39
(43) Masei (Stages Of)
BaMidbar 33:1-36:13
Yirme-Yahu (Jeremiah) 2:4-4:2Tehillah (Psalm) 49Matti (Matthew) 24:1-25:46
Ya’akov (James) 4:1-12
(44) D’varim (The Words)
D’varim (Deuteronomy) 1:1-3:22
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 1:1-27Tehillah (Psalm) 137Yokhanan (John) 15:1-11
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 14:1-16
(45) Va’etkhanan (And I Sought Favor)
D’varim 3:23-7:11
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 40:1-26Tehillah (Psalm) 90Matti (Matthew) 4:1-11
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 12:28-34
Luka (Luke) 22:13-38
(46) Ekev (Because)
D’varim 7:12-11:25
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 49:14-51:3
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 52:1-15
Tehillah (Psalm) 75Luka (Luke) 4:1-13
Yokhanan (John) 13:31-15:27
(47) Re’eh (See)
D’varim 11:26-16:17
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 44:11-45:5
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 54:11-55:5
Tehillah (Psalm) 97Yokhanan Alef (1st John) 2:18-25
Yokhanan Alef (1st John) 4:1-6
Yokhanan (John) 16:1-17:26
(48) Shoftim (Judges)
D’varim 16:18-21:9
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 9:1-6
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 49:1-6
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 51:12-52:12
Tehillah (Psalm) 17Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 7:35-60
Matti (Matthew) 26:47-27:10
(49) Ki Tetzeh (When You Go Forth)
D’varim 21:10-25:19
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 40:1-11
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 54:1-10
Tehillah (Psalm) 32Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 1:1-15
Luka (Luke) 23:1-25
(50) Ki Tavo (When you come)
D’varim 26:1-29:8
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 60:1-22Tehillah (Psalm) 51Matti (Mathew) 13:1-23
Luka (Luke) 23:26-56
(51) Nitzavim (You Are Standing)
D’varim 29:9-30:20
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 61:10-63:9Tehillah (Psalm) 81Romim (Romans) 9:30-10:13
Luka (Luke) 24:1-12
Luka (Luke) 24:44-45
(52) VaYelekh (And He Went)
D’varim 31:1-30
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 55:6-56:8
Hoshea (Hosea) 14:2-10
Tehillah (Psalm) 65Ivrim (Hebrews) 13:5-8
Matti (Matthew) 28:16-20
Luka (Luke) 24:13-43
(53) Ha’azinu (Give Ear)
D’varim 32:1- 52
Yo’el (Joel) 2:15-27
Shmu’el Bet (2nd Samuel) 22:1-51
Tehillah (Psalm) 71Romim (Romans) 10:14-21
Yokhanan (John) 20:26-21:25
Matti (Matthew) 27:11-28:20
— Feasts and Festival Parashot —
(P1) Pesakh (Passover: Haggadah – The Telling)
Seder and first day of unleavened bread begins evening of the 14th
Shabbat Shabbaton (High Sabbath) through the evening of the 15th
Shemot (Exodus) 12:21-51
D’varim (Deuteronomy) 16 (spec. v8)
BaMidbar (Numbers) 28:16-25
Yehoshua (Joshua) 3:5-7, 5:2-6:1, 6:27
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 52:13-53:12
Matti (Matthew) 26-28 (spec. 26:17-32)
Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 14-16 (spec. 14:12-25)
Luka (Luke) 2:41-52
Luka (Luke) 22:1-24:53
Yokhanan (John) 13:1-21:25
(KM) Khag Matzot (Festival of Unleavened Bread)
The night of the 15th commemorates the day HaIvrim (The Israelites) left Mitzrayim (Egypt) and is the 2nd night of unleavened bread.
Shemot (Exodus) 33:12-34:25
VaYikra (Leviticus) 22:26-23:44
Melakhim Bet (2nd Kings) 23:1-9, 21-25Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 14:12-25
Yokhanan (John) 18:28-40
Korinti’im Alef (1st Corinthians) 5:6-8
(MS) Khag Matzot Shabbat (Weekly Shabbat during Unleavened Bread)
The Pesakh season helps us recall the renewing of our freedom in Yeshua (Salvation)
Shemot (Exodus) 33:12-34:25
BaMidbar (Numbers) 28:17-25
Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 36:37-37:14Yokhanan Markos ([John- ] Mark) 14:12-25
Yokhanan (John) 21:1-25
(B) Bikkurim (First Fruits)
Wave Sheaf Offering
The first day of the week following Pesakh
and the day Yeshua HaMashiakh rose from the dead
VaYikra(Leviticus) 23:9-16
Yehoshua (Joshua) 5:1-12Korinti’im Alef (1st Corinthians) 15:1-26
“(P7) Pesakh Sheva (Passover 7th Day)
The Pesakh season helps us recall the renewing of our freedom in Yeshua (Salvation).
Shemot (Exodus) 13:17-15:27
BaMidbar (Numbers) 28:17-25
D’varim (Deuteronomy)15:19-16:17
D’varim (Deuteronomy) 26:1-19
Shabbat Shabbaton (High Sabbath)
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 10:32-12:6Yokhanan (John) 21:1-25
Korinti’im Alef (1st Corinthians) 10:1-16
(KS) Khag Shavu’ot (Festival of Weeks)
First day of the week, seven weeks after Bikkurim

Shemot (Exodus) 19:1-20:22
VaYikra(Leviticus) 23:15-21
BaMidbar (Numbers) 28:26-31
D’varim (Deuteronomy)16:9-12
D’varim (Deuteronomy) 26:1-19
Shabbat Shabbaton
Ma’asei HaShlikhim (Acts [of] The Apostles) 2:1-47
(YT) Yom Teru’ah (Day of the Awakening Blast)
B’reshit 21:1-22:24
BaMidbar 29:1-6
Shabbat Shabbaton
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 26:1-27:13Matti(Matthew) 24:26-51
Hitgalut (Revelation 19:1-21
(YK) Yom HaKippurim (Day of the Atonements)
VaYikra 16:1-34 and 23:1-44
BaMidbar 29:7-11
Shabbat Shabbaton (High Sabbath)
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 53:8-12
Yonah (Jonah) 1:1-4:11
Yokhanan Alef (1st John) 1:1-2:2
Ivrim (Hebrews) 7:1-10:39
(SK) Khag Sukkot 1 (Festival of Tabernacles)
Sukkot 1st Day
Shabbat Shabbaton (High Sabbath)
VaYikra (Leviticus) 22:26-23:44
BaMidbar 29:12-16
Zekhar-Yah (Zechariah) 14:16-21Tehillim (Psalms) 122:1-9
Tehillim (Psalms) 123:1-4
Tehillim (Psalms) 124:1-8
Matti (Matthew) 17:1-27
((SS) Khag Sukkot Shabbat (Festival of Tabernacles)
Weekly Shabbat during Sukkot
Shemot (Exodus) 33:12-34:26
BaMidbar (Numbers) 29:17-31
Zekhar-Yah (Zechariah) 14:16-21Tehillim (Psalms) 122:1-9
Tehillim (Psalms) 123:1-4
Tehillim (Psalms) 124:1-8
Hitgalut (Revelation) 21:1-27
(ST) Simkhat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah)
Sh’mini Atzeret (Eighth Festivity of Sukkot)
Shabbat Shabbaton

D’varim 33:1-34:12
V’zot HaBerakha (And this is the Blessing)
Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:1-18
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 25:7-9
Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah) 26:19
Tehillah (Psalm) 12Matti (Matthew) 17:1-9
Yokhanan (John) 12:48-50
Yehudah (Jude) 1:8-9
Hitgalut (Revelation) 22:1-21
— Special’s —
Sefirat Ha’OmerBlessing for counting the Omerfrom Reshit to Shavuot:
Teshuvah Season

Yekhezkel (Ezekiel) 33:1-20
Dani’el 9:4-19
Tehillah (Psalm) 27